Wednesday, November 21, 2018

I Am Closed

I am closed.
The ache is real

I long to be loved,
But it's loneliness I feel

The trumpet is sad.
The trumpeter dead.

Blue tinted sadness and dread

My heart is heavy:
Aching, lonely, cold

Openness is fear
Laced with winks of old.

Is this my making?
I'm stuck...fully exposed.

I can't find the key.
I am closed.


When is enough enough?
When do I discover the cause?

When is the truth laid bare?
When does the lying take a pause?

When will these questions stop?
When will the answers come?

When do I discover my worth?
When am I enough, just because?

When will mirth fill the void?
When will sadness seek less applause?

When will my anger eat me alive?
When will I forgive, find freedom?


Wednesday, November 14, 2018



I wasted away the day today.
A melancholy wake, 
I fought to hold on. 
Yet still, it slipped away.

The sun set. 
The colors faded. 
Youth disappeared.
I hesitated.  

Life, by time, is but a day. 
A moment to breathe,
A second to play. 

I wasted away the day today
Listless, gripping,
Waiting, longing
My moment, my moment, slipped away